Below is a summary of those whom Allah describes He loves and those mentioned whom He does not love.
The Love Allah has for His Slave. Allah loves:
- Muhsineen [perfect their worship of Allah]
- Those who spend (Infaq)
- Who have Taqwah [God consciousness]
- Who control their anger and forgive
- Have Sabr [patience] upon obedience.
- Have Sabr [patience] in avoiding Sin
- Those who have Tawakul [reliance upon Allah]
- Those who are Muqsitoon [uphold and enact justice]
- Those making Tawbah [repentence]
- Thosewhom are Mutahir [cleansiness]
- Those who fight in His path
Those described in the Qur’an whom Allah Almighty does not love:
- Transgressing the boundaries.
- Dhalimoon [those who oppress themselves and others]
- Those making Fasad [spreading corruption]
- Arrogant people
- Those Treacherous
- Disbelievers
- Those who are over joyous [farah] with their money and this Dunyah
The Love described a person has for other people or things:
- The love a person for his people
- The love a father for his son
- Love for his uncle
- Love a person has for another friend [person]
- Love for his wife, family, house,
- Love for wealth.
- Love for act of passion
- Love for good things-
What a Believer loves:
- Iman [faith]
- Cleansiness
- Forgiveness [He loves that he to be being forgiven – like Abu Bakr with Mistah]
- Victory
What other than the Believers love:
- Disbelief [ loving kufr over Iman]
- Being praised for that which they have not done
- They would love that Fahishah [immorality] be spread amongst the Believers.
- Preferring blindness in faith
- Love of this world over the Akhirah [after-life]